innovative reusuable-
to-go packaging

Die innovative Mehrweg-

for systemgastronomy, caterer & retail

Die innovative Mehrweg-

Für Systemgastronomen, Caterer und LEH

simple, efficient and innovative

design & develope for systemgastronomy

where innovation meets efficiency


clever modular principle

This is how we save twice the amount of resources: Pack your dishes in just one and-less box with separator insert instead of two packages. With our modular separator inserts, you not only add a visual highlight to your take-away food, but also help to preserve the quality.


safe transport

Thanks to the clever design on the lid, the reusable packaging can be stacked on top of each other without slipping. Also, thanks to our thick-walled and high-quality plastic, the heat of your food is preserved even during longer delivery times.


efficient storage

More storage space- less handling: Our packaging integrates seamlessly with all DIN EN 631 normsystems. and-less products are designed to stack inside each other without clinging to other trays.

any questions left?

  • "Die Vielfältigkeit eines Einwegsystems kombiniert in einem effizienten und durchgedachten Mehrwegsystem. Damit gelingt der Wechsel in die Kreislaufwirtschaft."
    Robert Mayr, Systemgastronom

2-in-1 effect:
our flexible divisions.

as innovative as your food: our packaging adapts to your needs.


divide your dishes according to the dish


more compact and storage space efficient than fixed dividers

keeps food fresh

maintain your quality even with to-go meals

aesthetic design

present your dish in an appealing and appetizing way

"The versatility of a single-use system combined in an efficient and well thought-out reusable system. This makes the transition to a circular economy a success."

Robert Mayr- system caterer

your advantages at a glance

space efficient thanks to standard

airtight sealable

modular division

dishwasher proof

high quality material

heat resistent up to +140°C

our portfolio

what makes us special?


norm standard

maximum stackability and efficient storage thanks to DIN EN631 norm dimensions


sustainable production in austria

developement partners

from system gastronomy to food trucks and caterers.


internationally awarded product design -patent pending!

Was macht uns besonders?


GN kompatibel

maximale Stapelbarkeit und effizientes Lagern dank GN-Maß


Nachhaltige Produktion in Österreich


Von Systemgastronomie, über FoodTruck bis hin zum Caterer.


international ausgezeichnetes Produktdesign

Still undecided?
We will be happy to advise you at a personal appointment!

Learn more about our innovative reusable products with an online product presentation. Our sales team will specifically address your questions and needs.

Book an appointment online, write or call us.